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有一部电影叫《圣诞精灵》,是由新线电影公司发行的家庭喜剧电影,由乔恩·费儒执导,威尔·法瑞尔、詹姆斯·凯恩、 爱德华·阿斯纳等主演。影片讲述了圣诞老人为孤儿院的孩子送礼物,小淘气“巴迪”阴差阳错被圣诞老人背回了北极,在北极适应精灵族群的生活又回到纽约寻根的故事。仁慈的圣诞老人收留了这个意外的小访客,并在小精灵们的帮助下,一同抚养他长大成人。可随着年龄的增长,渐渐成年的他(威尔·法瑞尔 Will Ferrell 饰)长得却比其他精灵们大出三倍之多,大家由此给他取了个绰号“大个巴迪”。



NarratorThen he slunk to the icebox. 然后他冲向冰箱。 The Grinchslunk 冲NarratorHe eyed the who's feast. 他看到了who 家的美餐。He took the who-pudding. 他拿了who 家的布丁。He took the roast beast. 他拿走了烤肉。The GrinchHike 发球NarratorHe cleaned out that icebox as quick as a flash.他把冰箱一扫而空。Why, that Grinch, He even took their last can of who-hash.哦, 那个鬼他连最后一罐马铃薯泥都不放过。Then he stuffed all the food up the chimney with glee.然后他把所有的食物从烟囱送出去。The GrinchAnd now… 接下来…NarratorGrinned the Grinch “圣诞怪杰”笑着说The GrinchI'll stuff up the tree. 我要把圣诞树送上(烟囱)去NarratorAnd the Grinch grabbed the tree,“鬼精灵”抓住树,And he started to shove, when he heard a small sound like the coo of a dove.当他听到了一声小鸟般清脆的声音,便开始往(烟囱)上爬。CindyExcuse me. 对不起NarratorThe grinch had been caught by this tiny who daughter, who'd got out of the bed for a cup of cold water.“鬼精灵”被这个“刚好起床喝水”的小女孩逮到了。CindySanta Clause? What are you doing with our tree?圣诞老人?你拿我们的圣诞树干吗?NarratorBut you know, that old Grinch 但你知道,那个老“圣诞怪杰”。Was so smart and so slick 太聪明,太狡猾了。He thought up a lie, and he thought it up quick.他马上就可以想出一个谎言。The GrinchWhy my sweet…little tot. 哦,可爱的小妹妹。 NarratorThe fake Santa Clause lied. 冒牌圣诞老人撒了谎。The GrinchThere's a light on this tree that won't light on one side.圣诞树上一边有一颗灯泡坏了。So I'm taking it home to my workshop, my dear.所以我要带回家去修理,亲爱的。I'm taking it home, 我把它带回家,I'll fix it up there, 我回去把它修好,And I'll bring it back here. 再把它送回来。CindySanta, what's Christmas really about?圣诞老人,圣诞节的真正意义是什么?The GrinchVengeance! Er, I mean, presents, I suppose.报复,嗯,我想我说的是礼物。CindyThe kid hmm, I was afraid of that.我就是怕这样。NarratorAnd his fib fooled the child. Then he padded her head, and he got her a drink, and he sent her to bed他骗过了小女孩。然后拍了拍小女孩的头,帮她拿了杯水,叫她回去睡觉了。